Monday, March 28, 2011


I am sorry, but due to insane amount of projects/essays that are due basically everyday this week, I'll be taking a break from monsters. I'll do make up ones as soon as I get a chance to breathe.

To make yo all feel better, here's a pic of a Rooz I'm working on. Well, the head anyway.

Aint' it cute? I'll probably be adding some shiny shit on it too. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

#84 and #85

My buddy ole pal Noah requested the minotaur. So here's a quick n dirty version of the mazey beast. Sorry he didn't get up for yesterday :/

And this little guy is Goshy. He really hates his new braces and he wishes his mom would stop taking photos of them. Poor little bugger.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

#83 Vidunder!

I was thinking of nice swedish design stuff when I made this bugger.
I likes him. We would be friends.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#82 Coaty

Yes, a really original name. Coaty, is a coat monster. Basically, he looks like a coat, then waits for people to put him on and then he eats them! Ahh oh noz!

Also it's simple and pen-y because i got an awesome purple pen today and i'm in love with it.

Thanks to Tori Samra for the suggestion

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tra la laaa

I had a tough weekend, and I'm sorry I missed my updates, but here's three!

#78 Awkwardo. Everyone knows this monster. He gets in between you and someone and makes things really weird really fast!

#79- Pac Man Ghosts- I love me some pac man! Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde, they will always be such a pain in my ass!

#80 Black Plague- Rebecca will always be a monster for her song that has been STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR DAYS! Fridays are ruined forever!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I uploaded the monsters on facebook, but not here!

 Hope everyone was safe on st. patty's day (this was obviously the 17th)
This one was for my dad's birthday! He turned Older than shit! It's Bob Kong! Scaling a beer bottle... go figure :D I loves my daddy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#75 Snoompla

Snookie freaks me out. Oompla loompas freak me out. Since they both look so similar and so orange.... might as well :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#74 Kiddie Monster

My dear friend, Lauren, got me super snazzy Crayola crayons for my birthday! I had to honor everyone's favorite childhood art medium.

No, I love my parents and wouldn't have them eaten by a monster.
Fun fact: Drawn completely with my left hand to give that extra kid shaky doodle look.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

#72 Nuclear Nellie

So daylight saving time? Gimme back my hour of sleep jerk.

Here's Nuclear Nellie. I had a "hurrdeduurh" moment today and drew this lil bugger to get my feeling of how dumb I was feeling down. Then I decided to take him to the next level and he became the monster of the day!

Nuclear Nellie is nuclear waste come to life. He's not the brightest glowing sludge in the landfill, but he's a nice guy. And yes, his name is Nellie. Deal with it. I think he's adorable.

Friday, March 11, 2011

finally caught up.

dag yo. that took forever. and yes, they're simple drawings. deal with it. 

It's medusa, just brushin' her snakey hair!
Elvira, the mistress of the dark.

A kappa bein' cute!
Leela, she's a sewer mutant monster, so it counts. She's a tough gal and I adore her character. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

#65 and #66

Mr. Fluffy. He's going to get you.

I worked with my 3d glasses on all day because i'm working on a new poster thing 
Anyhoo my eyes really hurt. But I'd feel bad for cyclops because he'll never be able to make the 3d glasses work. Neither can my mom, but that's because she has cripple eyes :D

4/7 monsters done. Bluuhh. 

2/7 spring break monsters...

i'm finally back into world of high speed internet. and scanners. not that i used a scanner for these two...
and sadly, i let spring breaky feelings into my system and totally slacked off for an entire week. but never fear, i shall have make up monsters.

First up is Hama! She's one of the 6 mini monsters I made for my senior studio projects. Click here to see more info. A plush doll is currently in the works. Of the 6 she's the sweetest and most snuggliest. This is about the most "precious" type of illustration you'll ever see me do. I almost vomited. 

And here we have ...whatever the hell this deer girl is. Vintage Taxidermy? I don't know. Had the idea on the train ride back and drew it. 

Probably more later. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring breaaakk!

Hey all. I may or may not be able to post monsters the next few days as I will be running around the midwest like a weirdo. I'm going to Chicago for the weekend as soon as my friend picks me up, then hopping a train back to my hometown of Saugatuck. So depending on how things work, I may not have a monster, I may not. Full schedule will probably resume Thursday.

With that, I leave you with this vintage gem. I found this from my freshman year of college. Experimental Bunny {seen here} has been a character I've been doodlin' since high school. His apperance changes occasionally, but same dude.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#61 Scary Ring Girl

Yeah, she gonna getchuuuu.


My teacher Dave Chow mentioned he's a big foot fan.
This is revenge for him drawing all of us puking/farting/making alien babies in class :)